Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lush Lemon Pie

This is VERY simple. You can do it a few different ways...all easy.
Lemon Pudding Mix
Pre made graham cracker crusts ( 2 )
Pre made regular pie crust-baked and cooled
8 ounces softened cream cheese
cool whip or like topping or dreamwhip or canned spray whipped cream.

Which ever pie crust you choose is fine. If you want to use graham cracker but want it to look more homemade than in the aluminum pie pan; get a box of graham cracker crumbs and make your own crust.
Make lemon pudding as directed for pie filling...set aside.
With electric mixer or whisk, whip the cream cheese until smooth and fluffy. You can use it as is or add some of the whipped topping to it to make it even fluffier. Divide in half and spread on the bottom of each pie crust. Top with even amounts of lemon pudding. Top with whipped cream of your choice and chill for at least an hour before serving.
You can also top with meringue.
3 egg whites (Be sure there is no yolk in the whites. Discard if that happens)
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
6 tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla
4 tsp lemon juice lemon zest
Clean glass bowl to remove any trace of oil on bowl (salt and vinegar works well). With electric mixer, beat egg whites in bowl until foamy, then add cream of tartar and continue beating until soft peaks form (stiff enough so that when you pull the beaters out they will leave a peak in the egg whites that sits for a moment). Add the vanilla and 1 tablespoon sugar and resume beating, adding remaining sugar gradually until all sugar has been added. Continue to beat just until you feel no gritty texture (pinch a bit of the beaten mixture between your fingers) and hard peaks form (curl slightly over when the beater is removed). Spread meringue on top, sealing meringue well to the edge of the pie crust. Bake pie for about 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees or until light brown. Remove from oven, cool to room temperature, then chill and serve,

Either way this is a great pie and the cream cheese just adds to the lush taste.


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