Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gifts to Give

I have received many great "Gifts in a Jar" where all the dry ingredients are there and you receive the full recipe of what ingredients you need to add, along with baking temperature and time to bake a tasty treat.
Not everyone has jars available and they are not always that easy to find. You can make the same great gifts, place them in ziplock bags and tuck them in great decorator tins. I would always see wonderful tins at the holidays and decided they would work just as well for this project.
Try not to purchase tins that are too large. However, if you find one you can not resist simply use tissue paper to hold your bag of ingredients in place.
I prefer the ziplock bags over the press and seal. I just feel they are a bit more secure. You certainly do not want your "gift" to spill out into the tin.
Select bag sizes that are going to suit your needs. The freezer bags come in many sizes. Also , at the holidays, many of the companies have bags with holiday designs. If you feel that the bag is too large once the ingredients are inside..simple fold over and tie a ribbon around it. Do not use tape as it may tear the bag when removed.
Besure to type or clearly write out the entire recipe and place in the tin. You can use simple index cards, paper cut on the edge with pinking scissors, use decorated recipe cards, place on paper and roll into a scroll and tie with a ribbon. We creative. Either way these make great gift items.

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